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Properties of heart (1).wav

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Source link: https://m.facebook.com/medicineforsan/posts/796814607117445?locale2=ar_AR
Source title: Forsan alazhar - محاضرات د/ناجح مبروك CVS مكتوب جمب كل محاضرة أبرز ما تم شرحه و ليس كلُّه عشان لو عاوز تسمع درس محدد يكون الموضوع سهل عليك 😉😉 و عشان تبقى عارف تفتح الكتاب على إيه قبل ما تسمع ، ____________________ الـ cardiac properties (أربع محاضرات) 1- http://www.mediafire.com/download/od6t1mi1ta29qgd/Properties_of_heart_%281%29.wav 2- http://www.mediafire.com/download/om8cldw258wr0wt/Properties_of_heart_%282%29.m4a 3- http://www.mediafire.com/download/8wn2ci6wxztjwyf/Properties_of_heart_%283%29.m4a 4- http://www.mediafire.com/download/lq2g35v94qs2xx4/Properties_of_heart_%284%29.m4a _____________ ** Cardiac Cycle: http://www.mediafire.com/download/sp2c9snjhqa4inb/Cardiac_Cycle.m4a _________________ *** Heart Sounds: http://www.mediafire.com/download/dtchesx1xsk4lc1/Heart_Sounds.wav _______________ **Cardiac output http://www.mediafire.com/download/bdspmn45mkkq112/Cardiac_output.wav __________________________ 8- Heart rate (functions of nerves that supply the heart . CVS centers ,Symp. tone on heart , Vagal tone on heart and it's mechanism , Vagal escape , nervous regulation of heart rate) http://www.mediafire.com/download/quju5nddi1fz15b/8-CVS_centers_%2C_symp._tone_and_vagal_tone_%2Cheart_rate_and_it%27s_Nervous_regulation.m4a _________________________ 9- ABP http://www.mediafire.com/download/g3csnip0gbapmy2/9-_ABP_%28Function_%26_factors_affect_%26_factors_maintain%29.wav ____________________ 10- Regulation of ABP , Hemorrhage http://www.mediafire.com/download/g0zofh5qv52fgbb/10-_Reg._of__ABP_._Hamorrhage.m4a _________________________ 11- shock and coronary circulation http://www.mediafire.com/download/nn56uc5096w3772/11-_shock_and_coronary_circulation..m4a _____________ 12- capillary circulation.edema.triple response http://www.mediafire.com/download/53pukctc5ja0cvq/12-_capillary_circulation.edema.triple_response.m4a _______________________________ 13- ECG (normal only), Atrial flutter & fibrillation http://www.mediafire.com/download/98gpqpvnexepnbx/13-_ECG%2C_Atrial_flutter_%26_fibrillation.m4a _____________________________________ 14- Reg. of arteriolar diameter & pulmonary blood flow http://www.mediafire.com/download/3cav6p793evzac4/14-_Reg._of_arteriolar_diameter_%26_pulmonary_blood_flow.m4a ________________________ 15- Angia, Myocardial infarction and jugular pulse curve http://www.mediafire.com/download/x6nyydlkhbc1q3y/15-_Angia%2C_Myocardial_infarction_and_jugular_pulse_curve.m4a ______________________________ #متجدد ، سيب كومنت عشان كل ما نضيف حاجة نكتبهالك من تانى فى ريبلاى :) ______________________________ #Forsan_Alazhar https://www.facebook.com/Forsan-alazhar-730090473789859/ | فيسبوك

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