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Code acquisition in DS/SS system using periodic property of PN code - Code, acquisition, in, DS/SS, system, using, periodic, property, of, PN, code, Abstract , An, effective, code, acquisition, method, using, the, periodicity, property, of, PN, codes, and, the, probability, of, AWGN, is, proposed, for, the, DS/SS, system., The, method, of, utilizing, this, periodic, property, of, the, spreading, signal, in, a, pilot, channel, is, investigated, and, a, simple, averaging, filter, suitable, for, the, AWGN, channel, is, derived., In, addition, we, describe, the, method, of, composing, the, proposed, averaging, filter, to, the, conventional, acquisition, system, and, the, capability, of, using, sequential, estimation, in, a, CDMA, system, with, asynchronous, mode., The, simulation, results, show, that, the, mean, acquisition, time, is, reduced, with, the, proposed, acquisition, system, especially, in, the, low, SNR, region - sciencestage.com Engineering
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Low temperature embedding with Lowicryl resins: two new formulations and some applications. - - sciencestage.com Medicine
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Code acquisition in DS/SS system using periodic property of PN code - Code, acquisition, in, DS/SS, system, using, periodic, property, of, PN, code, Abstract , An, effective, code, acquisition, method, using, the, periodicity, property, of, PN, codes, and, the, probability, of, AWGN, is, proposed, for, the, DS/SS, system., The, method, of, utilizing, this, periodic, property, of, the, spreading, signal, in, a, pilot, channel, is, investigated, and, a, simple, averaging, filter, suitable, for, the, AWGN, channel, is, derived., In, addition, we, describe, the, method, of, composing, the, proposed, averaging, filter, to, the, conventional, acquisition, system, and, the, capability, of, using, sequential, estimation, in, a, CDMA, system, with, asynchronous, mode., The, simulation, results, show, that, the, mean, acquisition, time, is, reduced, with, the, proposed, acquisition, system, especially, in, the, low, SNR, region - sciencestage.com Engineering
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Code coverage, what does it mean in terms of quality? - Code, coverage, what, does, it, mean, in, terms, of, quality?, Abstract , Unit, code, test, coverage, has, long, been, known, to, be, an, important, metric, for, testing, software, and, many, development, groups, require, 85%, coverage, to, achieve, quality, targets., Assume, we, have, a, test, T1, which, has, 100%, code, coverage, and, it, detects, a, set, of, defects, D1., The, question, which, is, answered, here, is, "What, percentage, of, the, defects, in, D1, will, be, detected, if, a, random, subset, of, the, tests, in, T1, are, applied, to, the, code, which, has, code, coverage, of, X%, of, the, code?", The, purpose, of, this, paper, is, to, show, the, relation, between, code, quality, and, code, coverage., The, relationship, is, derived, via, a, model, of, code, defect, levels., A, sampling, technique, is, employed, and, modeled, with, the, hypergeometric, distribution, while, assuming, uniform, probability, and, a, random, distribution, of, defects, in, the, code, which, invokes, the, binomial, distribution., The, result, of, this, analysis, is, a, simple, relation, between, defect, level, and, quality, of, the, code, delivered, after, the, unit, code, is, tested., This, model, results, in, the, rethinking, of, the, use, of, unit, code, test, metrics, and, the, use, of, support, tools - sciencestage.com Engineering